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Recent publications from the lab

Skyberg AM, *Newman BT, *Graves AJ, Goldstein AM, *Brindley SR, *Kim M, Druzgal TJ, Connelly JJ, and Morris JP. (2022). An epigenetic mechanism for differential maturation of amygdala-prefrontal connectivity in childhood socio-emotional development. Translational Psychiatry. 

Skyberg A.M., Beeler-Duden S., Goldstein A.M., Gancayco C.A., Lillard A.S., Connelly J.J., and Morris J.P. (2022). Neuroepigenetic impact on mentalizing in childhood. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 54.

Danoff, J.S, Connelly, J.J., Morris, J.P., and Perkybile, A.M. (2021) An epigenetic rheostat of experience: DNA methylation of OXTR as an early life mechanism of allostasis. Comprehensive Psychoneuroendocrinology.

Puglia, M.H., Krol, K.M., Missana, M., Williams, C.L., Lillard, T.S., Morris, J.P., Connelly, J.J., and Grossman T. (2020) Epigenetic tuning of brain signal entropy in emergent social behavior. BMC Medicine, 18, 1-24.